Winter Session


Our Winter Session is our main event of the year. It occurs annually between December 26 and December 31 in Edmonton. Throughout the week members spend time inside the Legislature building participating in exciting debates, as well as taking part in various other activities in the evenings. Not only do members debate in the Legislature, but participants also have the ability to partake in meaningful discussions, and further develop a wide array of skills and abilities. All resolutions that we debate are written by current members, and everyone is able to write, move, and debate upon all resolutions. In the evenings, members have the chance to gain further knowledge about parliamentary proceedings, and debate education, as well as time to get to know one another and build lifelong friendships.

Anyone between the ages of 15 and 21 may attend the Session.  

You do not need to have attended any other events or have any prior debate experience to attend the Session. Everyone is welcome.

What to Expect...


The majority of our Session takes place inside the Legislative chamber. This is where members move resolutions about topics that they feel passionate about, which then get debated. Not only are resolutions debated, but during the winter session, members also are able to debate and vote on bills that impact the operations of the parliament. These include bills such as approving the budget and procedural changes. Through the debates, participants are welcome to share their opinions and insights on each resolution, share why they support or are against each resolution, as well as propose amendments to further improve each resolution.

While in the Legislative chamber, we follow the Westminster Parliamentary system. This means that we are divided into a Government side, and an Opposition side, with a speaker to moderate the debates. On the government side sits our Premier, our Deputy Premier, all ministers of the parliament, as well as other members. While on the side of the Opposition sits our Leader of the Opposition, our Deputy Leader of the Opposition, shadow ministers, as well as other members. Alberta Youth Parliament is completely non-partisan, and members are encouraged to speak based on their individual opinions and feelings about the topic.

Evening Activities

During our time outside of the Legislature, a wide variety of activities take place. Often throughout the week, members are visited by various guest speakers who share about their positions and roles, as well as provide the opportunity for members to ask questions. Other programs that occur include icebreakers to allow for each and everyone to get to better know one another, debate education to ensure that everyone is aware of and has an understanding of the proceedings that occur in the legislature, as well as many more fun activities. Some of which include movie nights, group games, and many more. Additionally, throughout the week, members have the opportunity to learn about all the leadership roles within the parliament. And even have the opportunity to run for positions such as a Cabinet minister, or even one of the Front Four.

Why join?

Engaging in Open Debate

AYP is home to members who come from many different backgrounds, and through our youth parliament, it enables each and every person to express their unique ideas and perspectives in a safe and open environment. Members are free to speak when they want to, and they can take whatever position they feel is right for them. This helps instill critical thinking in our members and fosters an environment of tolerance and respect for everyone.

Improve Yourself

Whether you want to strengthen your public speaking, get more engaged in politics, develop your leadership skills, or even gain insight into your personal interest, AYP is right for you. During our winter session, we organize lessons on how to debate in the Legislative Chamber, and there are plenty of opportunities to practice your debate and public speaking skills during our sittings. Additionally, throughout our evening activities, all members are able to learn more about all different aspects of our government and have the opportunity to engage in specific activities or discussions that suit their unique interests.

 Because of our unique Parliamentary structure, many politicians and community leaders have begun their journey through politics in AYP.

Not only does the winter session provide opportunities for individuals to challenge themselves, but AYP also has many ways in which members are able to grow and further develop in positions of leadership.

Make Lasting Friendships

Youth of all backgrounds come from all corners of Alberta to attend our Sessions. Through the shared experiences at Session and the various events that we organize throughout the year, you will have plenty of opportunities to develop lasting friendships with fellow members.

Register Now

Registration is open now until December 8, 2023 by following the link below. Winter Session will be taking place December 26 to 31, 2023 in Edmonton, Alberta. Register now and email us if you have any questions!