Welcome AYP


Alumni News

(as of December 2022)

Alumni Sitting and Banquet

December 29, 2022 is Alumni Day at the 103rd Winter Session! We would love for all alumni to come join us at the Alberta Legislature for debate from 1:30pm to 4:30pm and at the Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel for our Alumni Banquet from 5:00pm to 9:00pm! RSVP for the debate and/or banquet below!

For any further inquiries, please contact tuxisalumnisociety@gmail.com

Parliamentary History Book

A committee has been formed to update the parliamentary history book. The updated book will include Sessions 76-101 in order to encompass AYP's first one hundred years of existence. If you wish to contribute to this committee, please contact tuxisalumnisociety@gmail.com


If you want to receive the complete AYP Alumni newsletter, please complete this form.

The Doug Beechy Award

The Doug Beechey Award was established in 1979, the year of the 60th Session of the Alberta Youth Parliament, as an award to honor Alumni of AYP for their service to the community.  

The award was named for Doug Beechey, a former premier of the Parliament (49th Session) and Chairman of the Alumni Society (1972 - 1975).  Doug had died earlier that year, and the Alumni Society wanted to honor his memory. 

The Award is given to those Alumni who, throughout their lives, have fulfilled our motto:  "Willingly And Cheerfully Doing More Than That Which It Is Our Duty To Do."

Donate to AYP

Alberta Youth Parliament is a growing organization that is in need of your support. Please consider donating to help keep AYP an option for the young people of Alberta.

We are grateful for your generous support, thank you!